Thank You Speech by CR on Graduation Ceremony

It is said that expressing gratitude is the best thing to end a successfully completed task. At times a simple Thank you will suffice but when you are the class representative in your college, you need to draft an impressive thank you speech. This thank you speech by the class rep of a Nursing student in Indiana University might seem interesting to you.

Thank You Speech by CR on Graduation Ceremony

Good Afternoon, faculty, staff, family, and friends. It truly is an honour to stand right here before you. When I was asked to make a speech for Commencement, I became very anxious. Anxious because I knew that I needed to say something meaningful, something impactful. The hours passed, the days went by, and eventually weeks, and I still did not know what to write. Today, I feel the need to say what went through my mind on that day. Today we are graduating. We all know how much it took to get to this point. Stories that will only be known by us and will be unheard by the world. Seeing all your beautiful faces today reminds me that although we may come from different places and speak different languages, it is our differences that make us special, that make us strong. Today I do not wish to talk about myself. I wish to talk about all of us. About the experiences, I had with YOU.

To say that my degree is my achievement is wrong to say. To not recognize the people that made this possible would be a disservice to all of you. Perhaps you can relate, but my name on that diploma should not be the sole name written on it. There are people who love us so much and have to wake up every day so that we can receive a first-class education. There are people who sacrifice themselves because they wanted us to have the opportunity they did not have. There are people that we lost and we wish they could be here, but their names were called sooner than ours. It is to them that we need to say THANK YOU. God made this possible for the family, friends and all the people gathered here in this room celebrating you. You deserve all the love and respect because if it wasn’t for all of you, this day will not be possible.

I thank the Lord, for the love and opportunity he gave us today. This is not to my credit, but to yours. To the family, thank you! Because if it was not for the love that you gave us and the values you taught us since we were little kids, today would be a different story. What can I tell you?

All I know is that God is so powerful, and He gave us a family like you. Today is a day to say sorry but most importantly to appreciate your sacrifice, your hard work, your patience, and most importantly, your support. Although we have gone through difficult challenges, we still walk together as a family. Thank you for all the values and for teaching us that anything is POSSIBLE!!

Being a nursing student has been the best choice I have made so far in my life. Perhaps you can relate, but in life, it is not always about us. It is about those surrounding us. Nursing taught me how to be human. It taught me how to love and how we can do so much with our hands. How one word can mean so much and how one kind gesture can change the life of another person. Perhaps you can relate–I make mistakes all the time. I have the choice to make the right decision but there is always a distraction that invites me to do the wrong thing. It is our choice to take the challenge.

One day I heard a great man say, “There are five minutes of weakness in each day.”Weakness can make us blind and make us act only on our behalf. It takes five minutes or less to make the worst mistake we can ever imagine. Fixing that may take hours, days, or a lifetime. Doing a good deed, at times, takes more than five minutes. It may take the best out of us, but we can be sure that our actions were honest and humble, and those actions may just have produced the best memory, memories that shape our life, memories that define who we are.

I want to take this opportunity to also thank my classmates. Your names should also be on my diploma. All the good times, the laughs, and the hours of studying were made easy because you were always there. I enjoyed being with all of you and allowing me to be your friend. Thank you for praying with me before every exam. Thank you for asking me to pray for you.

In the end, To all the faculty and staff, THANK YOU. Thank you for the profession you chose and for giving us the knowledge necessary to face the world that awaits us all. Thank you for all that you do. All the love and respect from my heart to yours.Thank you!! I leave you with this part of the journey. We started our journey with a dream, and we finish our journey with a victory. To you, I take off my hat. I respect you. I admire you. And remember that in the end, we are all ONE. May God bless you all. Thank you.

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