An easy unseen passage with MCQ based on factual information about white tigers and their conservation has been uploaded by the Department of Education, GNCT of Delhi for the Mid Term Examination 2022-23.
This Mountaineering unseen passage is a part of the CBSE sample paper 2022-23 class 10. All the answers have also been written down for reference checking. Reading this passage would help you to..
वर्तमान युग कंप्यूटर युग है। यदि भारतवर्ष पर नजर दौड़ा कर देखें तो हम पाएंगे कि जीवन के लगभग सभी क्षेत्रों में कंप्यूटर का प्रवेश हो गया है। बैंक, रेलवे स्टेशन, हवाई अड्डे, डाकखाने, बड़े- बड़े उद्योग, कारखाने, व्यवसाय, हिसाब-किताब, रुपए तक की मशीनें कंप्यूटरीकृत हो गई है। Apathit gadyansh MCQ with answers...
It is an important unseen passage for class 9-12 students. This passage is available on Wikipedia but question answers have been sourced from a premium (paid) Platform. Attempting Unseen Passages gives a kick start to your reading and writing skills in a language.
All about Chess- Students of class 9-12 can practise this unseen passage with multiple choice questions for their final exams...
Evolution has designated vultures to be the ultimate scavengers. Enormous wingspans allow them....Fully Solved