Tag: unseen passage examples
If I say boys will score more marks than girls in the following Unseen Passage MCQs. You might blame me for gender discrimination. But, it is a fact that boys outnumber girls when we talk about cricket and cricketers. If girls want to compete with boys then they should practice solving 'CBSE Unseen Passage MCQ for …
If you all are presuming that the multiple-choice question pattern selected by CBSE for upcoming term 1 and term 2 exams will be super easy, then you are in dire need to check your facts again. One more Unseen Passage on Politeness.....
It is an Unseen Passage with MCQ. But, after reading this article you will realise that success comes only after failure and we should learn from our mistakes in life if we want to succeed. CBSE Unseen Passage with Multiple Choice Questions for class 9-12
It is an important unseen passage for class 9-12 students. This passage is available on Wikipedia but question answers have been sourced from a premium (paid) Platform. Attempting Unseen Passages gives a kick start to your reading and writing skills in a language.
Unseen Passage with multiple choice questions for class 9-12. How Children Consume Caffeine Unseen Passage Answer Key...
All about Chess- Students of class 9-12 can practise this unseen passage with multiple choice questions for their final exams...
“Who doesn't know how to cook rice? Cooking rice hardly takes time.” said my father. So, I challenged myself. I switched ...unseen passage with answers and explanations
Marie was born in 1867 in Warsaw, Poland, where her father was a Professor of Physics. Get ready to practise this unseen passage with multiple choice questions for 2021-2022 board exams ...
Evolution has designated vultures to be the ultimate scavengers. Enormous wingspans allow them....Fully Solved