You are travelling alone by a train that has delayed by 4 hours and is stationed at a crowded railway station. How would you spend this time? Describe in 200 words. Descriptive Writing Practice 1 The unexpected four-hour delay of my train presented an opportunity to explore the bustling railway station. First, I decided to secure …
Find 10 winter-related words from books, newspapers, or magazines. Write one creative sentence using each word Here are winter-related words with a more Indian context and simple creative sentences: 1. Fog 2. Woolen 3. Heater 4. Bonfire 5. Quilt 6. Chai 7. Muffler 8. Cold Wave 9. Dew 10. Soup What I am grateful for in …
It is an Unseen Passage with MCQ. But, after reading this article you will realise that success comes only after failure and we should learn from our mistakes in life if we want to succeed. CBSE Unseen Passage with Multiple Choice Questions for class 9-12
Answer key for 'Dust of Snow" Class 10 Question bank released by CBSE for board 2021. Important questions for dust of snow.
The present generation is well updated in the use of internet and computers. Write an Analytical Paragraph based on the given data.
Marie was born in 1867 in Warsaw, Poland, where her father was a Professor of Physics. Get ready to practise this unseen passage with multiple choice questions for 2021-2022 board exams ...
It is a case-based unseen passage for classes 9-12. Factual passage stands for 10 marks both in Term 1 and Term 2 board exam of CBSE class 10. This passage was asked in CBSE 2020-21 sample paper. The free answer key is also attached herewith for students who depend solely on the internet.
Here is a line graph showing the number of persons of different age groups killed in accidents. Analyse the given data ...
The chart below displays data about the number of digital devices purchased in Rishunagar across the years 2015-2019. Write a paragraph analyzing the given data.
Today's article 'Essay on Baisakhi' helps you know the meaning of Baisakhi (Vaisakhi), why is Basiakhi celebrated and how is Baisakhi..