Tag: CBSE BOARD 2021
The present generation is well updated in the use of internet and computers. Write an Analytical Paragraph based on the given data.
This question is framed from the lesson 'A letter to God' of class 10. Imaginary Dialogue Writing Between Lencho and Postmaster:
परीक्षाओं की तैयारी के लिए सीबीएसई अपनी ऑफिसियल वेबसाइट पर हर साल सैंपल पेपर रिलीज़ करती है जिसकी पूरी जानकारी आपको इस लेख में दी जा रही है|
Science SQP for class 10 is based on the revised and reduced syllabus for the year 2021.
It is a case-based unseen passage for classes 9-12. Factual passage stands for 10 marks both in Term 1 and Term 2 board exam of CBSE class 10. This passage was asked in CBSE 2020-21 sample paper. The free answer key is also attached herewith for students who depend solely on the internet.
Here is a line graph showing the number of persons of different age groups killed in accidents. Analyse the given data ...