Tag: cbse board 10
What is CBSE's New Pattern of Questions for class 9-12? What are competency-based questions? Read More...
These questions for class 10 English from NCERT Footprint without feet are important for students appearing for board 2022 exams. All the lessons of 'First Flight' has already been uploaded on the website. The Triumph of Surgery Extra Questions for Class 10 Board 2022.....
The following extra questions for For Anne Gregory class 10 have been taken from CBSE Question Bank 2021 class 10 English. But, these questions are equally important for the 2022 Board exams. These MCQ Questions have been selected based on the latest exam pattern as announced by CBSE.
The following questions for ‘Madam Rides the Bus’ class 10 have been taken from CBSE Question Bank 2021 released for class 10 English. It contains detailed answers to subjective questions for Term 2 Board.
This question is framed from the lesson 'A letter to God' of class 10. Imaginary Dialogue Writing Between Lencho and Postmaster:
परीक्षाओं की तैयारी के लिए सीबीएसई अपनी ऑफिसियल वेबसाइट पर हर साल सैंपल पेपर रिलीज़ करती है जिसकी पूरी जानकारी आपको इस लेख में दी जा रही है|
Evolution has designated vultures to be the ultimate scavengers. Enormous wingspans allow them....Fully Solved
The ban on single-use plastic is impractical. The purpose of articles like bags and packaging is ultimately to make human life easier. Plastic articles do this well, so they shouldn’t be banned.
It is a case-based unseen passage for classes 9-12. Factual passage stands for 10 marks both in Term 1 and Term 2 board exam of CBSE class 10. This passage was asked in CBSE 2020-21 sample paper. The free answer key is also attached herewith for students who depend solely on the internet.
Today, we have brought analytical paragraph writing based on 2 pie charts. Write an analytical paragraph based on the pie charts showing the percentage growth in different sectors in India from the year 2010 to 2020.