The following questions and answers are a part of Mijbil the Otter Question Bank released by CBSE to give students a glimpse of the competency-based questions. Some questions are tricky as these have nothing to do with the story or the text of the lesson but these questions are put up based on real-life situations. So, you do not need to mug up these answers, instead, learn the correct way to present your views correlating to the story. Answers to all the questions are given along with.
Mijbil the Otter Question Bank Class 10 English
(A) For the first twenty-four hours Mijbil was neither hostile nor friendly; he was simply aloof and indifferent, choosing to sleep on the floor as far from my bed as possible. The second night Mijbil came onto my bed in the small hours and remained asleep in the crook of my knees until the servant brought tea in the morning, and during the day he began to lose his apathy and take a keen, much too keen, interest in his surroundings. I made a body belt for him and took him on a lead to the bathroom, where for half an hour he went wild with joy in the water, plunging and rolling in it, shooting up and down the length of the bathtub underwater, and making enough slosh and splash for a hippo.
i “Mijbil was neither hostile nor friendly; he was simply aloof and indifferent…” From the actions of the given set of friends, choose the person whose behaviour is likely to resemble Mijbil’s.
a) Akanksha rudely tells her best friend to stop calling.
b) Piyush was amicable since the day he walked into his new classroom.
c) Rishabh became nasty as soon as he started earning money.
d) Urvashi was distant for a while after losing her grandmother.
ii Select the option that correctly puts the following events in the correct order.
1) Maxwell planned to take Mijbil to the bathroom.
2) Mijbil slept at a significant distance from Maxwell’s bed.
3) Mijbil immensely enjoyed playing in the water.
4) Mijbil slept in a much closer vicinity to the author as opposed to the previous night.
a) 1, 3, 4, 2
b) 3, 1, 2, 4
c) 2, 4, 1, 3
d) 4, 3, 1, 2
iii The words “slosh and splash” are examples of the onomatopoeic words that go together phonetically-resembling the sound that they describe. Choose the option that DOES NOT fit the given description.
a) hip hop
b) bow wow
c) tick tock
d) pitter-patter
iv Choose the option that correctly describes a body belt in the given context as explained by the four people given below.
a) A body belt is a device specially made for swimmers and scuba divers, which helps them breathe underwater.
b) Body belts basically resemble waist belts and keep our body upright, in a standing position.
c) Body belts are used for restraining while doing certain activities, in order to prevent hurt.
d) A body belt is an accessory used by bodybuilders for weight training as a measure against muscle and bone injuries.
v Select the option that best describes the final action of the otter, based on the given passage.

a) Option (1)
b) Option (2)
c) Option (3)
d) Option (4)
Answer Key MCQ (A) Mijbil the Otter Question Bank
i (d)
ii (c)
iii (a)
iv (c)
v (b)
CBSE Class 10 Mijbil the Otter Question Bank Answers
(B) When I returned, there was an appalling spectacle. There was complete silence from the box, but from its airholes and chinks around the lid, blood had trickled and dried. I whipped off the lock and tore open the lid, and Mij, exhausted and blood-spattered, whimpered and caught at my leg. He had torn the box’s lining to shreds; when I removed the last of it so that there were no cutting edges left, it was just ten minutes until the time of the flight, and the airport was five miles distant. I put the miserable Mij back into the box, holding down the lid with my hand. I sat in the back of the car with the box beside me as the driver tore through the streets of Basra like a ricocheting bullet.
i. Choose the speaker that uses the phrase ‘appalling spectacle’ correctly.
Speaker 1 – We got back home to see that our pet dog had eaten kheer my mother had kept out of the fridge. Indeed, an appalling spectacle.
Speaking 2 – We got back home and witnessed that our cousin had dressed our pet dog in his t-shirt. Have to admit that it was an appalling spectacle.
Speaker 3 – We got back home to see our pet dog sitting with a mangled rat. It was an appalling spectacle.
Speaking 4 – We got back home from the airport and observed our pet dog sound asleep on the rug. What an appalling spectacle!
a) Speaker 1
b) Speaker 2
c) Speaker 3
d) Speaker 4
ii “whipped off”, is an example of a phrasal verb i.e. a combination of a verb and a preposition. Choose the option that DOES NOT fit the given definition.

a) Option 1
b) Option 2
c) Option 3
d) Option 4
iii Choose the option closest to the box’s condition in which Mij was kept.

a) Option (1)
b) Option (2)
c) Option (3)
d) Option (4)
iv Select the option that DOES NOT state the possible reason for Maxwell’s cutting the box edges off.
a) Mij could have injured himself further.
b) It could have made the place untidy.
c) Mij could have accidentally swallowed the torn pieces
d) It could have obstructed the shutting of the lid.
v Choose the option that correctly states Maxwell’s likely feelings, in the situation below.
“… I put the miserable Mij back into the box, holding down the lid with my hand.”
1 anxious
2 disappointed
3 terrified
4 guilty
5 insulted
a) 1 and 5
b) 2 and 3
c) 1 and 4
d) 3 and 5
Answer Key MCQ (B) Mijbil the Otter Question Bank
I (c) speaker 3
ii (b) option 2
iii (d)
iv (b)
v (c)
10 Quick revision Questions for 2022-23
Q10 Answer in 20-30 words Mijbil The Otter Question Bank
i “…every drop of water must be, so to speak, extended and spread about the place…” Describe Maxwell’s observation regarding Mij with reference to the given quote.
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The author observed that Otters are passionate about playing with water. They don’t like static water. They would just overturn a bowl/container of water or spread it on the floor.
ii Maxwell’s fear of sending Mij to England was legitimate. Give a reason.
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After boarding the plane when the air hostess asked Maxwell to keep his pet on his lap, the Otter jumped out and terrified all the passengers. Maxwell had already anticipated it which caused fear in his mind.
iii Maxwell was justified in thinking very highly of the air hostess. Justify
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The air hostess readily kept the fish in the fridge meant for the Otter. After seeing her friendly behaviour he took her into his confidence about the incident with the box. She even suggested Maxwell keep Mijbil on his lap.
iv Compare any one compulsive human habit with respect to the otter’s compulsive habit, as mentioned in the text.
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As per this story, children must place their feet squarely on the centre of each paving block. Similarly, Mij developed a habit of jumping on the boundary wall of the primary school to gain children’s attention.
Q11 Mijbil The Otter Question Answer (40-50 words)
i What would you say was the greatest obstacle faced by the narrator in transporting Mijbil to Camusfearna?
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Mijbil had to be packed inside a box because the airline insisted that the pet must be packed in a box not more than eighteen inches square. Unfortunately, Mijbil hurt himself while trying to open the box and tore the inside lining to shreds. Later on, he disappeared into the aircraft as soon as the lid was opened. Thus, we can say that keeping him inside a box was the greatest obstacle faced by the narrator.
ii There is not a dull moment when pets are around. Explain how this holds true in the case of “Mijbil the Otter”.
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Like kids, these pets entertain others with their playful behaviour. Mijbil followed his master everywhere and energetically jumped on the boundary walls during walks. He loved to play and splash in the water. He had invented a game with a ping-pong ball. His activities made the narrator happy and left no space for dullness in Maxwell’s life.
iii Peculiar behaviours is a characteristic of Otters. Discuss with respect to “Mijbil the Otter”.
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In this lesson, the narrator has described certain peculiar features of an Otter which are less known. Its passion for splashing water to the last drop, and devising its own funny games with rubber balls prove childlike features. Otters always want to accompany their masters like kids follow their parents.
iv Without the assistance of the air hostess, the narrator could not have transported Mijbil from Basra to London safely. Comment.
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It can’t be denied that the air hostess helped Maxwell onboard in every possible way. From keeping the fish in the refrigerator to giving an ear to the narrator’s talks and handling everything patiently when Mijbil ran under the passengers’ seats.
v Mijbil caused a sensation in London. Expound with reference to the chapter “Mijbil the Otter”.
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The narrator was confronted with a lot of questions about Mijbil on London roads. People were anxious to know about the unique animal’s breed and type. They made weird guesses by calling it a dog, a hippo, a seal, a baby beaver, a mongoose, a leopard, a baby cub, a squirrel etc. The people of London were surprised to see a new pet of its kind. It can be said that Mijbil caused a sensation in London.
Q12 Mijbil The Otter Long Questions (Answer in 100-120 words) (beyond text and across texts Question Bank)
i Imagine yourself to be the narrator of “Mijbil the Otter”. A friend of yours is confused about whether to adopt an otter as a pet or not and has asked for your advice. Based on the experiences described in the chapter, write a letter to your friend giving your opinion on the matter. You may use the prompt given below.
XYZ, Camusfearna
Sandaig Bay, UK
4 December ‘61
Dear Gavin
Trust you and Mij are doing well. I am writing for a special reason that will surely interest you. This is because it concerns the love of your life- otters! I have been….
Yours affectionately
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XYZ, Camusfearna
West Highlands
Scotland, UK
6 December ‘61
Dear Kevin
I hope you’re doing well. After reading your letter, I was glad to know that you’re thinking about getting an otter as a pet and asked for my opinion. Well, let me share my thoughts based on my experiences with Mijbil.
Having an otter buddy like Mijbil is not all smooth sailing in the initial stage but gradually one gets aware of Otters’ needs and habits. In general, they are harmless, intelligent, friendly and fun-loving. They are passionate about water, and splutter in water like kids, but demand personal attention. Mij can play with ping pong balls and marbles for hours. Otters love to eat fish besides other things. They can be trained like other pets. I enjoy his company a lot.
I hope this helps you decide!
Yours affectionately
Gavin Maxwell
ii The People’s Collective for Endangered Species has invited the narrator of “Mijbil the Otter” as a guest speaker to address the audience about the importance of protecting Otters and their natural habitats like lakes and ponds.
As the narrator, pen down a speech detailing your own experience with Mijbil and why it is important to conserve water bodies for animals like Otters.
You may use the prompt given below –
My Experiences with Mijbil
Theodore Roosevelt said, “Wildlife cannot speak, so we must and we will.”
Dear friends, I have had a pet otter named Mijbil as my roommate for several years now. What I want to share with you today, is how all forms of wildlife are integral for …………..
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My Experiences with Mijbil
Theodore Roosevelt said, “Wildlife cannot speak, so we must and we will.”
Dear friends, I have had a pet otter named Mijbil as my roommate for several years now. What I want to share with you today, is how all forms of wildlife are integral to the ecosystem. As top predators, sea otters are critical to maintaining the balance of nearshore ecosystems, such as kelp forests. Moreover, they are fun-loving pets that would kick away boredom and unhappiness from your life.
Humans are the biggest threat to sea otter populations. Direct conflict with humans, through shootings, fishing gear entanglements and boat strikes, take a toll on sea otters, but oil spills, pollution, disease and loss of kelp pose major threats.
Hunted to near extinction in the 18th and 19th centuries, sea otters finally received additional safeguarding in the 1970s. Worldwide, sea otters have slowly recovered but still stand far below their historical population numbers. We can help this cute animal to survive along with us by being generous towards them.
iii If Mijbil were living in the world of the poem, The Tale of Custard the Dragon, how do you think he would have
(a) behaved with Custard?
(b) reacted to the appearance of the pirate?
Rationalise your answer
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(a) I think Mij would have played with Custard. The gigantic animal’s spines could serve as a race track with zigzag hurdles for Mijbil. Custard could have helped the otter to play in the water by making a pool of water by digging a hole with its heavy feet and sharp claws. Custard could easily fill the hole by bringing water into its big mouth. Custard and Mijbil would have good friends together.
(b) If Mijbil were to see the pirate, his appearance would have terrified the little animal. Otters are small and soft creatures that love to stay in safe surroundings. We can recall that Mijbil maintained a distance from the narrator in their first meeting, he would have stayed away from the horrifying pirate also.
Supplementary Reader: Footprints without Feet NCERT Class 10 English > Lesson 1 A Triumph of Surgery > Lesson 2 The Thief’s Story > Lesson 3 The Midnight Visitor > Lesson 4 A Question of Trust > Lesson 5 Footprints without Feet > Lesson 6 The Making of a Scientist > Lesson 7 The Necklace > Lesson 8 The Hack Driver > Lesson 9 Bholi CBSE > Lesson 10 The Book that Saved the Earth |
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