The Making of a Scientist Question Bank Class 10 English

This question bank was released by CBSE for class 10th students to prepare for their final exams. You will find The making of a scientist Extra questions for the full lesson. The following question bank contains MCQ, very short, short and long questions with their answers which are considered important for Class 10 Board exams.

The Making of a Scientist Question Bank Class 10 English

(A) “I didn’t get any real results,” he said. “But I went ahead and showed that I had tried the experiment. This time I won.” The next year his science fair project was testing the theory that viceroy butterflies copy monarchs. The theory was that viceroys look like monarchs because monarchs don’t taste good to birds. Viceroys, on the other hand, do taste good to birds. So, the more they look like monarchs, the less likely they are to become a bird’s dinner. Ebright’s project was to see whether, in fact, birds would eat monarchs. He found that a starling would not eat ordinary bird food. It would eat all the monarchs it could get.

i Choose the option listing Ebright’s qualities as depicted by the above extract.

  1. persevering
  2. visionary
  3. determined
  4. liberal
  5. conceited

a) 1, 2
b) 3, 5
c) 1, 3
d) 4, 5

ii According to the dictionary, ‘fair’ as a noun, shows the following meanings. Choose the option that lists the meaning similar to the usage to that in the extract.
a) A gathering of stalls and amusements for public entertainment.
b) A competitive exhibition showcasing products or ideas.
c) A periodic gathering for the sale of goods.
d) An annual exhibition of livestock, agricultural products, etc., held by a town, county, or state.

iii Choose the option that is true for the two statements given about the information in the extract.
Statement 1- Starling feeds on viceroys.
Statement 2- Starling does not eat seeds and insects.

a) Both statements are clearly mentioned in the extract.
b) Statement 1 cannot be clearly inferred from the text and statement 2 is true.
c) Statement 1 is false and statement 2 cannot be clearly inferred from the extract.
d) Both statements need to be inferred from the given extract.

iv Choose the statements that are TRUE for the given extract contextually.

  1. Ebright didn’t get any results for the experiment he conducted on butterflies.
  2. Monarchs tasted awfully to the birds.
  3. Ebright wanted to explore the possibility of monarchs getting eaten by birds.
  4. He wanted to prove that viceroys are lookalikes of monarchs.

a) 1, 2
b) 2, 3
c) 1, 3
d) 2, 4

v Four friends bring their pets to a pet show. Choose the option that mentions the friend with a starling as a pet.
Friend 1 has a turtle named Missy.
Friend 2 has a dragonfly named Majesty.
Friend 3 has a rabbit named Molly.
Friend 4 has a bird named Mitch.

a) Friend 1
b) Friend 2
c) Friend 3
d) Friend 4

The Making of a Scientist Solutions MCQ (A)

i. c
ii. b
iii. c
iv. b
v. d

The Making of a Scientist Question Bank Class 10

(B) When he saw those photos, Ebright didn’t shout, ‘Eureka!’ or even, ‘I’ve got it!’ But he believed that, along with his findings of insect hormones, the photos gave him the answer to one of biology’s puzzles: how the cell can ‘read’ the blueprint of its DNA. DNA is the substance in the nucleus of a cell that controls heredity. It determines the form and function of the cell. Thus, DNA is the blueprint for life. Ebright and his college roommate, James R. Wong, worked all that night drawing pictures and constructing plastic models of molecules to show how it could happen. Together they later wrote a paper that explained the theory.

i Choose the option that shows the picture of the type of task Ebright and Wong were engaged in, as per the extract.

Class 10 Making of scientist extraquestions

a) Option (1)
b) Option (2)
c) Option (3)
d) Option (4)

ii Ebright was perhaps expected to shout ‘Eureka!’ because he had
a) realised that he needed a partner to work with to finalise his findings.
b) discovered something new and ‘Eureka!’ was a cry to announce it.
c) worked hard and was relieved at nearing the end of his project.
d) given shape to the teachings of his teachers by choosing this field of science.

iii “Thus, DNA is the blueprint for life”, is another way of saying that the DNA contains a genetic __.
a) experiment
b) ultimatum
c) takeaway
d) plan

iv Four newspapers published a headline about Ebright and Wong. Choose the option that published a factually correct headline, as per the extract.

Newspaper 1Newspaper 2Newspaper 3Newspaper 4

a) Newspaper 1
b) Newspaper 2
c) Newspaper 3
d) Newspaper 4

v Compound words are those words that are formed by joining two separate words to create a new word with an entirely different meaning. Choose the option that lists the compound words from the above extract.

  1. determines
  2. blueprint
  3. nucleus
  4. heredity
  5. room-mate
    a) 1, 3
    b) 2, 4
    c) 1, 4
    d) 2, 5

The Making of a Scientist Solutions MCQ (B)

i. c
ii. b
iii. d
iv. b
v. d

The Making of A Scientist Class 10 Short Question Answer

Q10 Answer in 20-30 words
i Do you think Richard’s mother was too indulgent when she bought him things like cameras, telescopes, and microscopes? Give two reasons to support your answer.

ANS: Yes, she was indulgent and concerned about her son’s likings and hobbies. Firstly, she arranged for his favourite things to bring out his latent talent. Secondly, this way she helped him to become a scientist naturally and not forcefully.

ii Suggest two ways by which you feel scientific temperament can be developed in a child.

ANS: Every child is born with more or less scientific temperament inside. This temperament can be further developed by providing him with related toys and games and supporting his experiments. Besides parents can encourage their children by asking questions and replying with satisfactory answers.

iii Do you think we always need sophisticated instruments for all science experiments? Why/ Why not?

ANS: No, not really. Great discoveries and inventions have been made by using raw instruments in the past. Everyone knows how the falling of an apple gave us the theory of gravitational force. So, it is not necessary that we always need sophisticated instruments to create wonders.

iv Richard’s mother was his companion and spent a lot of time with him. A parent should try to be a companion to a child. Justify.

ANS: A parent can best judge a child’s needs and psychology. If a parent spends time with his child, like a friend, the child can feel confident, safe and motivated. Richard’s mother supported him by recognising his inclination towards butterflies which helped him in becoming a great scientist.

v The book, ‘The Travels of Monarch X’ ignited Richard’s curiosity about butterflies further. Do you think sometimes, people or things around us can act as catalysts to shape our lives? Explain how.

ANS: It is absolutely true that sometimes people or things can act as a catalyst to bring a change in our lives. Even a gift, a quotation, a statement or an incident can turn our life 360 degrees. When Richard’s fascination with butterfly collecting was about to fade over, the gifted book opened a new world of butterflies to him and ignited his curiosity to research more about insects.

The Making of a Scientist Question Bank Class 10

Q11 Answer in 40-50 words
i You have been requested to write a brief blog post for a Science blog for kids on the theme-‘Science is Real’. Based on your understanding of the chapter, write the blog highlighting how science pervades every aspect of our lives. You may begin like this:
Monday, October 19, 2021

…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

Monday, October 19, 2021


Science is present in every aspect of our life. science is not just a theory to learn from books. It has to be observed minutely because science is real. If you want to understand science in an easy and practical way, you should visit the kitchen or the garden in your house. Try to understand the science working behind the small objects present in our kitchens – lemon squeezer, garlic presser, grater etc. Have you ever asked your mother why the ginger turns to pink colour when lemon juice was poured on it? One can understand the concept of condensation by taking up the lid from a cooking utensil. If you have a scientific temperament you can experience that science is real and it pervades every field of our life.

ii The will to win, for the right reasons, was a quality that Richard had. Do you think this quality alone can help us accomplish great feats? Why/ Why not?

ANS: It is an important quality that is seen among winners. But, I feel, this quality alone cannot help us accomplish great feats. Besides the will to win several other factors like family support, physical and mental well-being and awareness, financial status etc. do matter in making someone a winner. Richard was an average student in his school but his mother’s timely support and other favourable conditions worked positively to help him to become a successful scientist. No doubt once stepped onto the right path, he worked hard with determination and never looked back.

iii Richard’s mother had been invited to a talk show after Richard’s graduation from Harvard with the highest honours. You attended that talk show. Write the most memorable thing she spoke about and what you think it reveals about her.

ANS: The talk show with Richard’s mother

Host: Well, Ms Ebright, how do you feel about Richard’s homecoming with the greatest Honours from Harvard?

Mother: It feels really great! My son has brought honours to me and our country.

Host: Was he a special child or an average child?

Mother: He was absolutely an average child in his school. He used to observe things happening in nature very keenly and It helped him a lot. He kept himself busy researching whatever fascinated him.

Host: Do you want to give any parenting tips?

Mother: Keep your kids busy with constructive ideas and try to understand their talent at the initial stage itself.

Host: Do you see any change in Richard’s attitude now?

Mother: Oh yes, he is more sincere, more determined and more dedicated now.

The Making of a Scientist Long Questions Fully Solved CBSE Question Bank

Q12 Answer in 100-120 words
i Imagine Richard wrote a letter to his mother when he was studying at Harvard University for motivating him and being a constant source of support throughout his growing up years. Write that letter of gratitude as Richard. You may begin like this:
Harvard University
20 September 1981
Mrs Ebright
Dear Mom

It’s been long since I’ve written to you. ………………………………

ANS: Letter of gratitude as Richard

Dear mum,
It has been long since I have written to you. You will be glad to know that all the teachers here praise me for my real knowledge of Science. You know, all the credit goes to you. I can never forget your friendly and fun-filled ways to enable me to learn new things. The evenings we spent together at the dining table were proved to be most helpful. I don’t know how you managed to buy those toys and materials after my father’s death.
Your foresightedness in buying the ‘The Migration of Monarch’ changed my life all the way for good.
Mumma, I am blessed to have a mother like you. I wish you to be my mother in every birth. Take care

Your loving son

ii Albert Einstein said, ‘The important thing is to never stop questioning.’ Richard was a genius who proved this quote true. Justify.

ANS: Surely, this statement is true in the case of Richard Ebright because he always kept himself busy in constructive experiments since his early childhood. Richard had a habit of asking questions about new things and his mother answered all his questions in the most satisfying manner. This question-and-answer round turned into a habit in Richard and he kept on probing things. His scientific bent of mind led him to carry on experiment after experiment and reach a purposeful conclusion. Although to reach his goal he was helped by many people in his journey, especially his mother whose contribution is commendable. He had patiently waited for almost a year to study butterflies’ migration. This shows that he never stopped midway and finally became a great scientist.

iii Imagine you are Richard. You have been invited by Mr Weiherer to deliver a short address to the students at your erstwhile school. You have been asked to encourage them to take an interest in the study of Science and how research in Science can help the world. Write that short speech.

ANS: Hello, my dear young friends
It is an honour to stand amongst you and say a few words about how the study of science changed my life. I think curiosity is the key to invention. You know, as a child, I was always curious to know why things happened in a particular way. Curiosity led me to experiment and experiments led me to conclusions and eventually inventions. You must be knowing that all the inventions are backed by a series of research by great scientists. Scientific developments have created all the facilities we enjoy in our lives today. From a small needle to a big aeroplane everything is the product of scientists’ hard work and patience. I feel that every child should take up the study of science in school to grow with confidence in life. Stop cramming and start experimenting.


Supplementary Reader: Footprints without Feet NCERT Class 10 English

> Lesson 1 A Triumph of Surgery

> Lesson 2 The Thief’s Story

> Lesson 3 The Midnight Visitor

> Lesson 4 A Question of Trust

> Lesson 5 Footprints without Feet

> Lesson 6 The Making of a Scientist

> Lesson 7 The Necklace

> Lesson 8 The Hack Driver

> Lesson 9 Bholi CBSE

> Lesson 10 The Book that Saved the Earth
Class 10 Literature First Flight – CBSE Question Bank, (Fully solved)
>Chapter 1 A Letter to God

>Chapter 2 Nelson Mandela – Long Walk to Freedom

>Chapter 3 Two Stories About Flying His First Flight

> Chapter 3 Two Stories About Flying The Black Aeroplane

>Chapter 4 From the Diary of Anne Frank

>Chapter 5 (Part 1) The Hundred Dresses Part 1

>Chapter 6 (Part 2) The Hundred Dresses Part 2,

>Chapter 7 Glimpses of India

>Chapter 8 Mijbil the Otter

>Chapter 9 Madam Rides the Bus

>Chapter 10 The Sermon at Benares

>Chapter 11 The Proposal

>Poem 1 Dust of Snow

>Poem 2 Fire and Ice

> Poem 3 A Tiger in the Zoo Poem

> Poem 4 How to Tell Wild Animals Poem

> Poem 5 The Ball Poem

> Poem 6 Amanda

> Poem 7 Animals Poem

> Poem 8 The Trees

> Poem 9 Fog

> Poem 10 The Tale of Custard the Dragon

> Poem 11 For Anne Gregory
7 Responses to “The Making of a Scientist Question Bank Class 10 English”
  1. Atulya Mishra February 22, 2023
    • Renu Gupta February 22, 2023
      • Atulya Mishra February 22, 2023
  2. Mukul April 26, 2022
    • Renu Gupta April 27, 2022
  3. Pranav Kumar S April 25, 2022
    • Renu Gupta April 26, 2022

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