Letter to Editor for class 6-12. Here you will know the right format of a letter to editor, editorial letter format and examples of letters to the editor on current topics.
Attempt in 100-120 words. Recently, you have come across many articles on the topic, ‘Beti Bachao, Beti Padhao’. In spite of these articles, girls are not given due respect and female foeticide in society is rampant.
Write a letter in 100-120 words to the editor of The Times of India, expressing your concern over the problem. Give some suggestions on the role of the people and the government in curbing it. You are Vaibhavi/Vaibhav, 12 Vasant Kunj, New Delhi. Source: Educart sample paper 6, 2021
Ideas to score full marks in this letter-
1. Include why girls are not given due respect.
2. Suggest some innovative ways to curb it.
Formal Letter Format | Letter to Editor | Editorial Letter
Sender’s Address |
Leave one line here |
Date |
Leave one line here |
Receiver’s Address |
Subject |
Salutation |
Body of the letter (Main content) |
Complimentary close |
Sender’s name and signature |
Sample Answer – Letter to Editor to take action against Female Foeticide
12, Vasant Kunj
New Delhi
Oct 30, 2021
The Editor
The Times of India
New Delhi
Subject: Take Serious Action to curb female foeticide
Respected madam,
Through the columns of your prestigious newspaper, I want to highlight the role of the government and people in curbing female foeticide. Girls are considered a burden in Indian families. This conservative thought provokes people to kill a female foetus in the womb itself. One main reason behind disliking a girl child could be a huge amount of dowry. Moreover, boys are expected to support and earn for their parents in their old age.
In this context, government intervention at the central and state levels would help. Annual tax benefits could be given to the parents of a girl child, and dowry should be totally abolished. Girls’ parents can be offered more rate of interest on their savings.
Although the government has banned the testing of gender during pregnancy. Still, female foeticide is rampant in society. The government should take actions to strictly implement this law so that our nation proceed towards gender equality.
Yours Truly
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Beti Bachao Beti Padhao Essay
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12 Vasant Kunj
New Delhi
20th January 20XX
The Editor
The Times Of India
New Delhi
Subject: Take some serious actions to curb female foeticide
Through the column of your esteemed newspaper, I would like to draw the attention of the masses towards the increasing female foeticide cases and lack of respect towards girls despite numerous awakening articles on “Beti Bachao Beti Padhao”
In our society, girls are not given due respect as they are considered as the weaker gender and it is assumed that to be a good housekeeper and mother is their only role. Moreover, parents prefer boy child over girl child as they believe that the boy would improve their family condition, continue their lineage and is an asset while a girl child would just increase the burden on the family as they will have to give dowry for her marriage and is thus only a liability.
To change people’s thinking, some suggestions from my side are motivational speeches from now successful women, vocational training to future mothers so that they can financially support their girl’s education. Government should strictly implement laws against abortions based on gender discrimination, they should invest more in girl education and should also help them to set up small businesses or academies so that they can also employ and empower other women also.
I hope my suggestions would make a difference in the society
Thanking you
Yours faithfully
Congratulations! Essayshout gives you 5 marks.
but, you are exceeding the word limit. 100-120 words are allowed in exam.
You have included all the required points, other students might learn from your answer, WELL DONE
Thank You ma’am
I will make sure not to cross the word limit from now onwards😀
12 Vasant Kunj
New Delhi
12th March 2021
The Editor
Times of India
New Delhi
Subject – Awareness about female foeticide
Through the column of your esteemed newspaper I want to grab the attention of people and government for the awareness of female foeticide . In spite the government intervention policy , there is no improvement in the condition of women in the society . In the Indian families , girls are still considered as burden for the family because of the dowry system . Female feoticide are still rampant in the Indian society . The Indian government should take make some tough rules and should be considered as a serious crime . The government should provide some special facilities to the poor parents of the girl child because these crimes are very rampant in the poor families due to their economic condition .
I therefore request you to give a suitable space in the newspaper for the awareness of the mentioned crimes .
yours sincerely
Essayshout gives you 3 marks.
Marks are deducted for not suggesting any practical ways to stop female foeticide.
12 Vasant Kunj
New Delhi
19th February 2021
The Editor
Times of India
New Delhi
Subject- Female foeticide and lack of respect for females in our society.
Dear Sir/Madam
Through the column of your newspaper, i would like to indicate that girls are not given due respect female fetocide in society is rampant.despite mentioning in the Indian constituation that education is necessary for girl child, so that she can fulfil her dreams and can open new doors in her life.the older generation are releculant to it.they believe that only boys should be provided with education so that they can move the country forward and can upbring their families.this leads to lack of education in girls and they get ready for the female fetocide because they do not have proper information of these acts.this can become brutall crime.the constituation of India has laid these laws but have to impement these laws more strongly, so that this brutall crime can be washed off from the country.
I think this one step can make the girls or their parents aware so that they can realize the importance of education for an individual.
Thanking you,
Yours Sincerely,
Sample Answer will be uploaded soon.
12 Vasant Kunj
New Delhi
25th August 2020
The Editor
Times of India
New Delhi
Subject- Female foeticides and lack of respect for females in our society.
Dear Sir/Madam,
Through the columns of your reputed newspaper, I wish to make people aware of Female foeticides and lack of respect for females in our society. As per the Indian constitution, every girl has the right to get an education and enroll in her choice of profession. These days girls are getting empowered by legal authorities to enroll in schools but this decision is not respected by society. The current number of female foeticides is very scary and depressing for society as a whole. This is due to illiteracy among families who commit such acts. This can only be eradicated if the government demonstrates the positive effects of education and the negative effects of female foeticide. I think this one step can make the girls or their parents aware so that they can realize the importance of education for an individual.
Thanking you,
Yours Sincerely,
Error Analysis:
1. Essayshout gives you 3.5 out of 5 marks.
2. You need to add more relevant content in the body part.
3. Sample answer will be published soon for your reference.