How to write Analytical paragraph for English exam- Analytical Paragraph writing is a relatively new concept for CBSE class 10th English exam. It contains 5 marks and will be asked in the year 2022 board exam.
Although paragraph writing has nothing to do with essay writing, still, it can be understood as descriptive writing based on the information provided by charts, tables, or graphs. Given below is an example of analytical writing class 10 and other competitive exams.
How to write Analytical Paragraph Class 10 | CBSE Sample Paper Digital Devices|
(A) The chart below displays data about the number of digital devices purchased in Rishunagar across the years 2015-2019. Write a paragraph analyzing the given data.
Source: CBSE SQP 2021

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How to write Analytical Paragraph solution 2
The chart displays data about the number of digital devices purchased in Rishunagar across the years 2015-2019.
There has been a steady increase in the purchase of both smartphones and computers from 2015 to 2017. But, in the year 2018, the number of computers purchased reduced to 45000 from approximately 81000.
Smartphone sellers, too, witnessed a 10% decrease in the annual sale in 2018. However, the next year itself saw a boom in the purchase of smartphones and computers.
To conclude, after 2017, the residents of Rishunagar preferred smartphones over computers in their purchase of digital devices.
What makes a good Analytical Paragraph?
If you wish to score 5 out of 5 in this writing section start practising these words and phrases at least once in a week. Gradually you will learn how to write analytical paragraphs because practice alone can get you full marks in exams.
Starting lines (Phrases)
- According to the chart
- The table states that
- The pie chart shows
- The data reveals
- The chart illustrates
Comparing quantities
- Similarly
- In the opposite case
- Whereas
- In contrast with
- However/still
- In comparison to
Describing words
- Greater than/less than
- Highest /lowest
- At the peak
- 60% of
- 3 by 4 of
- Almost equal
Movement upward or downward
- Rising/increasing/
- Declining/diminishing/falling
- Huge gap/minor difference
- Slight increase/decrease
- Steep fall
- Takes over
Must Read:
Analytical paragraph Writing
Class 10 English Sample Paper 2021 (Fully Solved)
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How to write Analytical Paragraph Solution 3
The chart illustrates data about the number of digital devices purchased in Rishunagar across the years 2015-2019.
After a consistent increase in the purchase of digital devices by the people of Rishunagar from 2015 to 2017, there was a sharp fall in the purchase of smartphones and computers. After 2018, the purchase of smartphones outweighed computers. In a single year, spending on smartphones increased by almost 40%.
In a nutshell, smartphones attract the residents of Rishunagar more than computers after the year 2018.
Try more Questions on Analytical Paragraph

The bar graph depicts the number of devices purchased in Rishunagar across the years 2015-2019.
This is clearly observed that most people of Rishunagar preferred smartphones over computers.The constant increase in purchase of smartphones has been observed except in year 2017 in which purchase of computers was more than smartphones by about 6-7%. In 2018, again purchase of computers had a sharp fall from approximately 81000 in 2018 to about 45000 in 2018. The sale of smartphones also experienced a steep fall of near about 10% in 2018.
However, in 2019 growth rate in sales of smartphones was observed and it was at the peak with more than 1 lakh sales. Besides , computer sellers also observed a growth rate in sales of about 40%.
Hence over-all conclusion derived that total sale of smartphones was more than sale of computers indicating people’s preference of smartphones over computers.
Error Analysis:
1. Essayshout gives you 4.5 marks.
2. In 2018, again purchase…..2018 – you have written 2018 thrice in a single sentence…it does not look good.
3. In conclusion- Hence over-all conclusion- Write only one word out of these three.
4. Happy Writing
The chart displays data about the number of digital devices purchased in Rishunagar across the years 2015-2019.
It is evident from the given data that most computers were purchased in the year 2017 while most smart phones were purchased in the year 2019.we can see a significant growth of digital devices in Rishu Nagar from 2015 to 2017 but then decreased in 2018 and again the purchased went up in the 2019 of both the digital devices.
Overall there is not much difference between the purchasing of smartphones and computer in Rishunagar from the year 2015 to 2019.
Error Analysis:
1. Essayshout gives you 3 out of 5 marks.
2. You must learn through the video given and read the sample answer.
3. Body and conclusion require improvement.
The chart depicts the data about the number of digital devices like smartphone and computer purchased in Rishunagar across the year 2015-2019.
It is clearly evident from the chart that there was steady increase in purchase of both devices like smartphone and computers between the age of 2015-2017.And in 2017 most people prefered to buy computers over smartphone.In contrast 2018 there was a huge decline in the purchase of computer.In 2019 purchase of both devices highly increase.
In a Nutshell ,most the people of Rishunagar show interest in purchase of potable device i.ea smartphone over computer…
Error Analysis:
1. Your mistakes are discussed in this video.
2. Edit your answer after learning your mistakes discussed in the above video, then submit again.
The given pie chart illustrates the results of a survey in which people were asked about the digital devices they purchased in Rishunagar from 2015-2019. The participants mentioned two main devices in their answers: smartphones and computers.
From the bar graph, it is evident that people in Rishunagar preferred to use smartphones than mobiles. There has been a constant increase in the purchase of smartphones and computers from 2015-2017. In 2017, people preferred to buy more computers than smartphones. But the purchase of computers plummeted from 81000 to 45000 in 2018. Even smartphone sellers witnessed a 10% fall in purchases. In just one year, the purchase of both smartphones and computers rocketed and reached their peak. People purchased almost 40000 more mobiles in 2019 than in 2018.
Overall, the people in Rishunagar preferred to buy smartphones over computers after 2018.
I did not understand what are u trying to say!!
Pls explain it more
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