Class 10 English Sample Paper 2021 (Fully Solved)

It is an initiative from essayshout to deliver quality content to students of class 10 for free. You will find the unseen passages, Grammar questions, Analytical Paragraph writing, and Letter writing from CBSE sample paper 2021 for class 10 English.

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1.Unseen Passage CBSE 2021 with Answers

The choices we make on a daily basis—wearing a seatbelt, lifting heavy objects correctly or purposely staying out of any dangerous situation—can either ensure our safety or bring about potentially harmful continue…

2. Unseen Passage 2nd with Answers

The UN’s 2017 International Year tells that sustainable tourism is an important tool for development, most importantly in poor communities and countries. Today sustainability – environmental, social, continue…

3. CBSE Sample Paper 2021 Letter Writing

You are Tabassum/Tarun, a resident of Satya Nagar Colony, Bhubaneshwar, Orissa. You have noticed that some residents of your colony are repeatedly flouting quarantine rules laid out during the outbreak of continue….

4. Analytical Paragraph with Multiple Answers

The chart below displays data about the number of digital devices purchased in Rishunagar across the years 2015-2019. Write a paragraph analyzing the given data. Continue…

5. Analytical Paragraph 2nd option with Answer

The ban on single-use plastic is impractical. The purpose of articles like bags and packaging is ultimately to make human life easier. Plastic articles do this well, so they shouldn’t be banned. Write an Excerpt Analysis continue…

2 Responses to “Class 10 English Sample Paper 2021 (Fully Solved)”
  1. Sachin January 11, 2021

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