Category: English Essay

Essay on Impact of lockdown on Students and People

What has forced all the governments to take this dictator style decision? Why are people all over the world simultaneously forced to live a completely altered life during lockdown 2020? This Essay on the Impact of lockdown on Students and People will answer all the above questions.....

Essay on Goal of my Life | My Ambition Essay

Today's article is an essay on 'My Ambitions' for students of class 6-12. Read essay on goal of my life and get motivated by my words to achieve your aim in life. You can edit this essay to make it a paragraph on 'The Goals of my Life' or 10 lines on 'My Ambition' to write …

Social Media Essay: Meaning, Advantages, Disadvantages

What is social media and how does it impact students and society as a whole. How can it be used to extract only the advantages? Children need to understand the difference between the advantages and disadvantages of social media. So that its negative impact on society can be minimised.